
What We Do

1. Financial Education

We provide clients with financial management and planning tools (FMPT) for proper management and planning of their finances. These include:
1.1 Individual & Business Cash Control and Budget Books.
1.2 Financial Genius Mobile Phone Application (FinGen App.)

2. Financial Services

We promote and facilitate easy access to formal financial services using mobile phones for saving groups and individuals.

We form “Genius Savers Groups” (GSGs) which saves money through formal institutions using Mobile Money Service Providers to Banks and Capital Markets unlike the traditional saving groups that save through boxes.

3. Financial Counselling, Business Support and Mentorship

We provide one - on - one daily training and counselling sessions to our clients by trained and professional Financial Counsellors across the country. We coach our clients on how to properly manage and plan their finances and improve their business ventures.

We refer our financially literate clients to Microfinancial Institutions and banks for loans to expand their businesses. Our clients also get an opportunity to be mentored by high profiled CEOs, prominent and outstanding champions of industry locally and internationally.

Individual & Business Cash Control and Budget Books.
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Individual & Business Cash Control and Budget Books.
Financial Counselling, Business Support and Mentorship
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