
Donate to Fund a "Money Genius"

FinGen-MONEY GENIUS FUND - Economic Recovery and Sustainability of Small Business and Smallholders Famers amidst Covid19 and Climate Change.

Social-distancing restrictions and health- and economic-driven demand shifts from COVID-19 are expected to shutter many small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures.

On the other hand, climate change remains one of the critical issues affecting Zambia’s smallholder farmers. Drought and dry spells, seasonal and flash floods and extreme temperatures are climate change impacts that the farmers are experiencing with adverse consequences for food and water security, water quality, energy and sustainable livelihoods of Zambia’s rural communities.

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We have received a tidal wave of love and support from across the nation and many have asked how they can help. Thanks to the support we have received, we feel funds would be better directed to small businesses and smallholder farmers in distress under our signature financial literacy programme called “Let’s Learn and Make Money - Financial Education Programme to help them improve and sustain their financial well-being.

Therefore, FinGen-Money Genius Group has created “ FinGen-Money Genius Fund” to help financially-proven literate, disciplined and proficient smallholders businesses and farmers ( “Money Genius smallholder business and farmers”) affected by covid-19 and climate change economically recover and sustain their financial well-being.

Those qualifying for support will be nominated and selected out of the outreaches of our financial literacy programme and through social media contests where interested sponsors will be tagged.

Once supported each business will be profiled on our website and that of GoFundMe; benchmarking the progress being made.

We are committed to ensure that all smallholder businesses and farmers in Zambia affected by covid-19 and climate change economically improve and sustain their financial well-being.

The contests will require that facebook viewers vote for the Money Geniuses (participants of the financial literacy programme) based on their effective use of our financial management and planning booklets.

Monthly winners will receive a free financial management and planning booklet, free one - month daily financial counselling and capital boost amounting to USD $500.

Contest is open to only users of the financial management and planning booklets and those receiving daily financial counselling.